Sleep Better On Your Orange County Mattress By Adding Plants to Your Bedroom


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According to a study completed by the Environmental Protection Agency, people in America spend about 87 percent of their lives indoors. This statistic makes sense combined with the widely known fact that people spend a third of their lives sleeping. Unfortunately, indoor air is not known for its health benefits. In fact, it can actually affect our quality of sleep, even if we have the most comfortable Orange County mattress


So, in order to promote better indoor living conditions, many people turn to plants. Additional oxygen created by plants through photosynthesis works as an air purifier. People that integrate indoor plants throughout their bedroom have the opportunity to experience a noticeable improvement in their sleep cycle.


The Benefits of Indoor Plants


Combined with a plush, new mattress from Orange County, bedrooms with indoor plants can offer the optimal level of comfort for deep, restful sleep. Plants are known for their ability to reduce air contaminants, thereby producing a healthier sleeping environment. While they give off oxygen at night, they also contribute negative ions to the air, which helps eliminate bacteria, dust, mold, and other allergens. These negative ions are also said to improve cognitive functions and mental health. 


Not only do plants help maintain good air quality, but they also create a sense of relaxation that helps at bedtime. Green is known to have a calming effect on most people and, once you start sleeping better, your anxiety and stress levels start to significantly drop. Plants can also help maintain the appropriate humidity levels in a room to help with sore throats, colds, breakouts, and respiratory issues. 


According to researchers, 70% of our body’s natural detoxification process happens through inhaling and exhaling. This is why it is so important to maintain clean air in the bedroom. Once you collect a few indoor plants and a new Orange County mattress, your bedroom will be a comfier, healthier place to spend the night. 


Plants to Maximize Oxygen Levels


If you are looking for plants that are easy to take care of and produce decent oxygen levels, then you may want to consider getting an aloe vera or snake plant. Aloe vera is a succulent that is known for eliminating carcinogens in the air as well as producing a good amount of oxygen. Snake plants, on the other hand, are excellent at filtering common household toxins from your bedroom and converting CO2 into fresh, inhalable oxygen. NASA has named the snake plant as one of its top 10 air-purifying plants. While aloe vera is safe to be consumed, snake plants are not, so be wary of choosing this plant if you have curious pets or kids. 


Plants to Prepare You For Sleep 


When you are choosing plants for your bedroom, you may want to think about some that will directly affect your quality of sleep. Lavender and valerian are two types of plants that induce sleep naturally. Lavender is widely used as a scent to calm the mind and the body. Researchers have found that the lavender scent can help lower blood pressure and decrease heart rate in order to promote relaxation. The pink flowers on a valerian plant are known to prepare the body for sleep through affecting brain activity and GABA receptors. 


Plants to Aid Allergies


For many people, allergies can inhibit the quality or amount of sleep you get each night. Luckily, there are plants that can help! The American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology discovered that, in only 12 hours, English Ivy can eliminate about 78% of airborne mold in one room. Therefore, this plant is great for people that suffer from mold-related allergies. Another plant that can be helpful for allergies is the Red-Edged Dracaena. This evergreen shrub is known for its ability to remove toxic chemical compounds like benzene that are found in pesticides, fabrics, cigarette smoke, and plastics. Both English Ivy and Red-Edged Dracaena are low-maintenance plants, however, they can be toxic to pets. 


Plants to Target Stress and Anxiety


Indoor plants can be a great sense of relief for those that suffer from constant stress or anxiety. For example, jasmine is a wonderful smelling plant with pretty pink and white flowers that can calm the senses, much like lavender. This makes it an ideal plant for decorating the bedroom. Another plant to reduce anxiety is holy basil. The leaves on this plant have a fresh, relaxing scent that will permeate the bedroom and create a peaceful atmosphere. 


Plants to Purify the Air


If you are focused on getting cleaner air for your bedroom, you may consider buying some peace lilies or spider plants. Peace lilies are known for eliminating toxins and allergens through increasing humidity in a room. They can also absorb and recirculate mold spores to use as nutrients. Spider plants are good for absorbing bad odors as well as removing about 90% of formaldehyde from the air, according to a NASA study. Both of these plants will make your bedroom a cleaner, healthier environment. 


Choosing the Right Indoor Plants


Once you begin looking at indoor plant options, you may start to realize just how many there are to choose from. This is why it is helpful to first choose the kinds of benefits you are looking to gain from your indoor plants. Reference our list above as a jumping-off point and then do your own research to see if you can find more options to reduce anxiety, promote sleep, or minimize allergies. 


If you’re not sure how many plants you want in your bedroom, you may want to consider these factors:


  • The amount of time you spend in your bedroom per day. 
  • The quality of air in your community. 
  • The amount of existing plants in or around your home. 
  • The amount of people living in your home. 
  • The kinds of toxins you may be exposed to in your home. 
  • The amount of time and energy you’re willing to dedicate to taking care of plants.


According to NASA’s clean air study, for every 15-18 indoor plants that you have in your home, you will gain enough oxygen for 1,800 square feet. Consider how big your living space is and let that determine how many plants you want to scatter around. Whatever plants you choose, you will be contributing to a better indoor environment that will let you rest easy and sleep soundly.