Lower The Risk Of Cataracts With These 6 Methods


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Wearing sunglasses and protecting the eyes from the sun may help prevent cataracts or slow their development. A cataract is a cloud that forms on the lens of your eyes. Usually, the lens is transparent, and its job is to focus the light onto the retina.

Many risk factors are known to cause the development of cataracts. Some of the significant risk factors, such as age, are out of control. However, it is wise to take steps that may slow the development of cataracts, especially if you have a family history of the illness or have started developing cataracts. 

Many lifestyle measures that are thought to prevent or delay the development of cataracts are broad recommendations that can improve your overall health. Other recommended actions are specific to your eye health and may help prevent other eye diseases.

However, no matter how good you take care of your eyes and overall health, you may develop cataracts or see the progress of existing cataracts. It’s essential to keep your expectations realistic and work with your doctor to manage or treat the vision changes that occur.


Useful measures to reduce the risk of cataracts

Many health and lifestyle measures can prevent you from cataract surgery in Los Angeles.

Most of the recommendations are based on factors that are known or suspected to cause cataracts, rather than strong evidence that they can prevent cataracts.

No research has provided reliable evidence on how to prevent cataracts. However, there are steps to prevent cataract surgery in Los Angeles.


1. Protect eyes from harmful UV rays

As mentioned earlier in the article, wearing sunglasses may help prevent or slow the development of cataracts. Ultraviolet B is particularly detrimental to your eyes, so it’s essential to look for glasses that specifically provide this protection.

It’s best to wear protective glasses during the day and outdoors, not only when the sun is particularly bright or shining at an angle that interferes with your vision.

If you don’t want to wear sunglasses outdoors, or when looking for protection indoors, you can also wear transparent glasses with a UV-resistant coating.

Discuss your options with your doctor and the benefits of each type of protective eyewear.


2. See your ophthalmologist regularly to learn about your cataract status

Visiting an ophthalmologist does not prevent cataracts directly, but it can help you understand the condition of cataracts and learn about measures that can prevent or control the disease.

Once cataracts begin to appear, it is essential to track your condition through regular appointments. Discuss with your doctor how often you should go to the office.

According to the National Institute of Ophthalmology, adults over the age of 60 should undergo a comprehensive eye examination at least every two years. This can also help screen for diseases such as macular degeneration and glaucoma, which may require complex treatments.


3. Dealing with health issues that can exacerbate cataract development

Specific chronic health problems, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, can cause the development of cataracts.

If you have diabetes, it is crucial to control your blood sugar to limit any eye damage caused by high blood sugar.

Be sure to take your prescribed hypertension medication and check your blood pressure regularly. If you find that your blood pressure should not reach the expected level, talk to your doctor about ways to change or enhance treatment.

These steps are essential for anyone diagnosed with diabetes or high blood pressure, especially if you have been diagnosed with cataracts or other eye diseases.


4. Quit smoking if you smoke

Smoking and other forms of tobacco cause cardiovascular problems, including vascular tissues in the eyes.

Useful options may include medications, counseling, and other medical and motivation-based strategies. 


5. Don’t drink too much alcohol

Heavy drinking is associated with a high risk of cataracts.

If you are addicted to alcohol or think you need help reducing alcohol consumption, consult your doctor for the support that you need. Medications, personal counseling, and group-based treatments may help you reduce or stop drinking. 


6. Follow a healthy diet rich in plant-based foods

A balanced, varied diet, including plenty of fruits and vegetables, helps to ensure that you do not lack any vitamins or other nutrients to ensure optimal eye health.

Fruits and vegetables contain a high level of antioxidants, and these are proven to support eye and vision health.

Studies show that a diet rich in vitamins and minerals can reduce the risk of cataracts. Vitamin pills and other supplements have not confirmed this benefit.

Certain antioxidant supplements have even proven to have harmful effects, so the safest way to increase your intake of these beneficial nutrients is to eat naturally-occurring foods. 


The myth of cataract prevention

It is essential to distinguish steps that may help prevent cataract surgery from those that have no proof at all or are wrong. 

Here are some measures not supported by the evidence to prevent cataracts:

Dietary supplements: According to the National Institute of Ophthalmology, although research on the effects of various supplements on cataract development is ongoing, the results so far have been mixed, and no specific recommendations are supported. 

Cataract surgery in Los Angeles cannot prevent or worsen the condition as it can only remove rather than repair damaged lenses in the eye. Cataract surgery is only recommended if the condition is severe enough to disrupt your daily life. 



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