Keep Your Lips Soft and Supple


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Our lips are one of the most sensitive and delicate parts of our body. They need extra care and attention to stay soft and supple, especially during the cold and dry months. Here are some simple tips on how to keep your lips soft and supple:

1. Exfoliate Your Lips

Exfoliating your lips assists with getting rid of dead skin cells and boosts blood circulation, which can help your lips look and feel smoother. You can use a lip scrub made of sugar and coconut oil, or gently rub your lips with a soft toothbrush.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Dehydration can cause dry and chapped lips. Drinking plenty of water and maintaining proper hydration helps keep your lips moisturized from the inside out. Additionally, drinking water is just a healthy idea for your entire body!

Alternatively, you could also eat water-rich fruits and vegetables.

3. Apply Lip Balm

Using a lip balm is an essential step in keeping your lips soft and supple. Look for a lip balm with all-natural ingredients like beeswax, shea butter, or coconut oil. Don’t be fooled by lip balms with excessive flavoring or coloring—they’re unlikely to be as hydrating and long-lasting and are more for entertainment value. Sometimes, simple is best.

Apply lip balm throughout the day, especially after eating or drinking.

4. Protect Your Lips from the Sun

The sun’s UV rays can damage your lips, causing dryness, chapping, and even skin cancer. Apply lip balm with SPF protection or wear a hat to protect your lips from the sun.

5. Avoid Licking Your Lips

Licking your lips might seem like a quick fix, but it can actually make them drier. Saliva contains enzymes that break down the skin’s natural barrier and can lead to irritation and chapping. You can do them once in a while if you’re really in a fix, but lip balm is always the answer.

6. Use a Humidifier

During the dry and harsh winter months, a humidifier can help add back some moisture to the air, preventing your lips from becoming dry and chapped.

7. Avoid Harsh Products

Avoid using harsh products on your lips, such as strong exfoliants, perfumed lip balms, and products containing alcohol or menthol. These can cause irritation and dryness.

8. Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet that is chock-full of vitamins and minerals can help keep your lips healthy and hydrated. Foods high in vitamin E, like nuts and leafy greens, can help moisturize your lips from the inside out.

9. Don’t Smoke

Smoking can make your lips become dry and discolored. It can also increase the risk of developing skin cancer on your lips.

10. Don’t Pick at Your Lips

Picking at dry or chapped lips can make them worse and cause bleeding and scarring. Be gentle with your lips and avoid touching them with dirty hands.


In conclusion, taking care of your lips is essential for keeping them soft and supple. By exfoliating, hydrating, applying lip balm, protecting your lips from the sun, avoiding licking your lips, using a humidifier, avoiding harsh products, eating a healthy diet, not smoking, and avoiding picking at your lips, you can keep your lips healthy and beautiful. Remember, healthy lips are happy lips!


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