How Your Diet Affects Your Oral Health


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Our diet affects many different aspects of our health. From weight loss or gain to heart health to mental health, diet is one of the most important factors in changing our lifestyle for the better. According to the oral surgeon in Mission Viejo Ca, our oral health is also a large reflection of the kind of foods we eat. 


It’s a pretty simple correlation. The better our diet is, the better our oral health will be. So, before you have your next appointment at a dentist Laguna Niguel office, you can educate yourself on the best way to maintain your oral health from home.  


How We Get Cavities


Most people know that eating too much candy can cause cavities. However, it’s not necessarily all about candy, but sugar itself. The oral surgeon in Mission Viejo Ca explains that cavities often arise when people are constantly snacking, drinking sugary beverages, and not thoroughly brushing. 


Carbohydrates and sugars invite bacteria to create acid on your teeth, which destroys your enamel. The result of this is an accelerated form of tooth decay. People with frequent cavities that do not fill them in can suffer serious tooth loss and perhaps even need dental implants in Orange County in the near future. Cavities also can cause bad breath, which is never fun to deal with. 


So, in order to battle this issue with sugary food, an oral surgeon in Mission Viejo Ca recommends consuming foods that are high in phosphorus and calcium. These elements will aid in mineralization, which is the process by which tooth enamel is repaired.


The Best Foods for Good Oral Health


As mentioned before, food containing phosphorus and calcium is really good for promoting healthy teeth and gums. Some examples of this would include cheese, nuts, meat, milk, broccoli, and spinach. 


Other foods that promote oral health are raw carrots, apples, and other firmer vegetables or fruits. Harder foods that you need to crunch on accelerates the production of saliva. Saliva is very beneficial for cleaning out the gums, teeth, and tongue of food particle remainders. 


It is also important to eat vegetables and fruit that have high water content. This extra liquid helps wash away sugar residue that could later attract bacteria.  


Learning About Foods With Sugar and Acid


Highly acidic food can lead to cavities, canker sores, and other uncomfortable mouth issues. Some common foods that have a lot of acids include oranges, lemons, grapefruit, and tomatoes. 


Also, as we learned before, excess carbohydrates and sugar can lead to cavities as well. Bread and potatoes are high in carbohydrates while sweets and cakes are obviously high in sugar. 


Some healthier sweet foods, like dried fruit, are also high in sugar and can stick to teeth easily. These types of foods should also be limited in order to promote oral health. 


Paying Attention to What We Drink


The best kind of beverage to promote oral health is something that is low in carbohydrates, sugar, and acid. Many dentists will recommend drinking water with fluoride. 


Sticking to water as your beverage of choice is probably a good habit anyway. It helps cleanse the mouth of food debris and keeps you hydrated, allowing more saliva to generate. Water with fluoride, in particular, can help strengthen enamel. 


If you want a little more variety in your beverages, unsweetened light teas and milk are the next best thing. Dentists recommend staying away from sodas, coffee, hot chocolate, and lemonade among other sugary and acidic beverages. 



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