Honey Face Mask to Keep Your Skin Hydrated


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There are many reasons why people develop dry skin. These reasons might be due to hot showers, insufficient fluid intake, harsh skin products, genetics, and environmental factors. During winter, most people get flaky and dry skin. The chilly weather makes it worse for people with dry skin. This state can result in itchiness, patchiness, and uneven-looking skin. It is a good thing to note that creating moisture in your skin is one way to keep it hydrated and healthy. Read on this article to help you make your DIY face mask that can help in taking care of your skin and address your concern during the upcoming winter season.


Banana – Honey Face Mask

Banana and honey are both known for their capability to act as natural moisturizers. These ingredients can provide instant benefits to your skin. Creating a face mask with banana and honey can nourish and moisturize your skin and make your skin softer. Here are the ingredients and how to use the honey sticks:



1 ripe banana

4 pcs honey sticks



  • Mash the ripe banana using a fork and mix with the honey sticks.
  • Blend the mixture until you have a smooth consistency.
  • Apply to your skin for 20-25 minutes, then rinse with water


Aloe – Honey Face Mask

Aloe vera is known for its anti-inflammatory property. This can address the redness that might happen if the skin is dry. Combining aloe with pure honey sticks, which is an incredible natural ingredient, can address your skin’s moisture needs. Pure honey sticks can also help easily penetrate into the deep level of the skin.



4 pcs pure honey sticks

1 tsp aloe vera gel



  • Mix the aloe and honey sticks in a bowl.
  • Smooth the ingredients over your face.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes and rinse with water.
  • Pat off your skin with a towel to dry.


Milk – Honey Face Mask

Milk is a natural food known for its nutrition. Raw milk contains vitamin B, antioxidants, alpha hydroxy acids, and calcium. In addition, milk also helps in soothing irritated skin. Both milk and honey are good hydrating ingredients. Known as a humectant, honey can moisturize the skin of people with dry and irritated faces. Here are the ingredients and how to use a honey stick as a moisturizer:



2 tbsp raw, unboiled milk

4 pcs pure honey sticks



  • In a bowl, mix the milk and honey sticks until you have a uniform mixture.
  • Generously apply to your face, elbow, and knees.
  • Let it dry before washing it off with water.


Avocado – Honey Face Mask

Avocados contain a lot of oils. These natural oils can help in nourishing the skin. When combined with honey, the humectant property of honey can make your skin moisturized. This combination can make your skin smooth and address its dryness issue.



½ ripe avocado

1 vitamin E capsule

4 pcs honey sticks or flavored honey sticks



  • Mash up the ripe avocado using the back of a spoon.
  • Add the honey sticks and mix thoroughly until you have a consistent mixture.
  • Pinch the vitamin E capsule to release its components, then add to the mixture.
  • Once you have a uniform blend of ingredients, apply to your face and neck for 25 minutes.
  • Rinse off with water and pat dry.



It is important to keep your skin hydrated that way it stays glowing and supple. Kitchen items such as honey are great in addressing these concerns. This reason is a good justification for keeping bulk honey sticks and those ingredients mentioned above in your pantry.


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