7 Ways to Get Rid of Bloating After a Heavy Meal


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With the holiday season comes a lot of holiday meals that’ll have your tummies expanding with lots of yummy food. Don’t worry about it, they’re very special occasions—when else during the year do you have a proper excuse to indulge in rich and decadent foods? But, as we all know, our tummies can only take so much yummy food at a time and will quickly expand to allow more food to come in. A heavy meal causes bloating to happen, which can ruin that awesome holiday outfit you decked yourself in!

So, without further ado, here are seven quick and easy ways to get rid of bloating after a good, heavy meal.


1. Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking water is probably the last thing you want to do when your belly’s about to burst, but trust us—you’ll need lots of water to help empty that stomach! Hydration is key for a smooth journey from your stomach to your intestines to outside your body. It also prevents constipation from happening, which can complicate your belly bloat.

Water also helps counter the effects of sodium that causes water retention. Your body thinks it needs water so it retains water. So, you need to tell your body there’s a lot of water to come by and that it’s okay to let go of that retained water. You also need water to flush out excess sodium so the body stops retaining water.


2. Go for a Walk

We’ve all been at that point before—full beyond belief, bellies bloating, and the buttons of our jeans struggling to hang on to that heavy meal you just ate. And while it’s super tempting to laze about on the couch or even head straight to bed, you always want to get some movement in to aid your digestion. Even a short ten-minute walk can do a lot to accelerate gastric emptying.

Exercising in the long run also has awesome effects on your digestion. According to research, exercising regularly tones your large intestines, making your stool pass more effortlessly.


3. Refrain from Drinking Alcohol

Alcohol is a drink that dehydrates you, compelling your body to store more water in the system. This then makes you feel more bloated, which is why people commonly have puffy faces when they’re severely hungover. On top of that, alcohol also slows down your digestion, hindering your body’s attempts at removing all that excess air from your digestive tract!

All in all, there are many drinks you can drink besides alcohol that will be much better for you.


4. Stay Away from Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks are characterized by the bubbly, fizzy feeling you get when you consume them. And while you think that drinking more of them can help get rid of bloating in the body by making you burp, all those bubbles are more likely to stay and pop in your stomach, worsening your bloat symptoms.

So, refrain from drinking carbonated drinks during and after a heavy meal. This includes soda, seltzers, certain alcoholic drinks, and more.


5. Have Some Tea

Tea has a ton of health benefits for the body, and one of them is relaxing the digestive tract. This allows air to pass through more easily and can help reduce existing bloat.

Peppermint tea, in particular, is known for its benefits for your digestion. It relaxes the muscles around your digestive tract and not only gets rid of excess gas but speeds up the digestive process altogether. Just make sure not to drink peppermint tea if you have gastroesophageal problems because it can exacerbate them.

If you do have those problems, opt for ginger or fennel tea instead. They have the same benefits but are much gentler.


6. Practice Yoga

Find ample room for you to do some yoga stretches. You don’t need any equipment to do these, and you won’t even have to change into workout clothes! To enhance your comfort though, maybe look for a space with a thick, fluffy rug to cushion your knees, elbows, hips, and other joints.

And don’t worry, we won’t get too crazy with the yoga poses. Indeed, some of the simplest yoga poses can do a lot of good for your bloated body. For example, the child’s pose (i.e., being on a kneeling position, belly between thighs, and arms and back stretched as forward as it can go) and the cat-cow (i.e., being on all fours and alternating between arching and curving the spine) are so simple anybody can do it.


7. Don’t Chew Gum

While you might think that chewing gum prevents you from eating more, it actually has the opposite effect on your bloaty belly. That’s because chewing gum introduces more air into your digestive system, which is the last thing you want to have more of! It’s the same thing with carbonated drinks—the more air you have in your digestive system, the more likely it will be for it to get trapped and bloat you up.


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