7 Ways to Cope for Stressful Days


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Stress is unfortunately a common aspect of everyday life. We feel stress when we’re at work, when we’re dealing with mischievous kiddos, when we’re bickering with our partners, or when we’re having problems with a friend. However, that doesn’t mean we should let stress be prevalent. Stress can cause numerous health problems, so it’s important we find ways to cope for stressful days as much as possible!

Here are several ways to destress and cope—even just a little bit—during stressful days.


1. Don’t Skip Your Usual Self-Care Routines

Our self-care routines allow us to rest, recharge, and replenish our energy. As such, making sure to do them every day even when it’s stressful is super helpful. It lets us realize that no matter what troubles life throws at us, there’s always a routine and order we can go back to.

A personal self-care routine of mine is always doing skincare when I wake up and before I go to bed. I make sure to do that every single day even when I don’t feel like it. Because, if I wake up with pimples or dry skin from several days of not doing my skincare, that’s just going to put me in a worse mood.


2. Set Aside Time Just for You

There will always be time for some relaxation, even if it’s just for 15 minutes. Having that small window of fun can really lift your spirits even on the most stressful of days. You can spend it eating yummy food, chatting with loved ones, playing your favorite video game, or even just taking a small cat nap. Whatever it is, do whatever you want!

And it doesn’t have to be just 15 minutes, either. If time permits, you can have 30 minutes or even a whole hour! You should enjoy yourself as much as you can without shirking your responsibilities.


3. Do Some Deep Breathing Exercises

A lot of us take breathing for granted, but you’d be surprised at how often mindful breathing can help alleviate our stresses. So, when you have time to breathe (literally!), drop everything you’re doing and just focus on your breaths for a second.

Put your hands on your stomach and slowly inhale as far as you can go, feeling your stomach expand. Focus on the sound of the air rushing into your lungs. Hold for four seconds. Then, slowly release all the air, feeling your stomach getting smaller for six seconds. Repeat as often as necessary.

Deep breathing is an awesome way to calm the nerves. It soothes our fight-or-flight response and reminds us that we’re here in the now.


4. Repeat a Mantra to Yourself

Don’t let that little voice in your head tell you you’re not good enough. Drown out those negative words by repeating a mantra that’ll get you pumped up for the occasion.

Almost everybody has their version of a mantra. Even ones who seem like they’ve got everything working out for them probably have one, and that’s probably because they like to tell themselves they’ve got everything working out for them! This is how successful cope during their stressful days.

You can say things like, “I can do this!”, “You’ve got this!”, “I’m ready for anything!”, or “It’ll all work out!”


5. Plan Ahead and Don’t Go Too Extreme

One of the main reasons anxious people get anxious is because they’re ill-equipped for a certain situation. So, if you see yourself getting into a situation, plan well ahead so you’re not too out of your comfort zone when the time comes. It never hurts to come prepared!

On a related note, trying not to fit too much stuff into one plate is also a good idea. Always know your limits so you don’t plan on doing something too grand for you. For example, planning a small get-together with four or five of your friends is doable. If your friends ask you if they can bring someone else along or invite a plus-one, politely but firmly say no because it’s just something you can’t do.


6. Know Your Personal Strengths

It’s easy to let negative thoughts get to our heads. One way to ground yourself is by knowing what you’re capable of. Instead of thinking about things that are out of your control, think about things you can control and what you’re good at. Then, start thinking about how you can apply your abilities to the things that are out of your control. Eventually, stressful days will be so much easier to cope with.

For example, let’s say that you’re eagerly waiting back on a job opportunity you really want. The recruiters are still deliberating on who to pick, and who they pick is obviously out of your control. However, if one of your most valuable traits is your communication skills, you can send the recruiters an email thanking them for the interview and reiterating your interest in the position. It highlights your skill and might just encourage the recruiters to pick you over the others.


7. Ask for Help from Loved Ones

If you feel the inklings of a panic attack coming along, surround yourself with people who want to support you. Whether it’s someone who’d be willing to take some of the more menial tasks from you, someone who’d give you words of love and encouragement, or someone who’d ground you whenever you’re freaking out, your loved ones can help you out when the stress gets to you.

Always remember that you’re never alone in life. There’s always someone out there rooting for you and wanting you to succeed!


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